Obedience – God’s Love Language

We are all familiar with the bible verse: “Obedience is better than sacrifice and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22, NLT). This means that God is more invested in our ability to hear and obey Him first and foremost than the service we give to Him. Controversial, I know!Continue reading “Obedience – God’s Love Language”

The Wait

Recently stumbled on a Netflix movie based on the bestselling novel, “God’s Waiting Room” by Yewande Zaccheaus. It’s a book that was written to encourage women waiting to birth their children and it was subsequently turned into a Nigerian Netflix produced movie in 2021. Now I do not normally watch Netflix or even watch moviesContinue reading “The Wait”

Outfits for the Seasons

To my fellow students that are back to school in person, we may have gotten too comfortable in dressing in pajamas and attending classes with a formal shirt up top and leggings at the bottom, that we don’t really know what to do anymore when it comes to in person interactions. I am here forContinue reading “Outfits for the Seasons”

A Good & Faithful Servant

As the world prepares to finally lay HRH, Queen Elizabeth to rest, we are reminded of her life of service and sacrifice. The documentaries and playback on all major news channels looks at her story from a young girl, to young adulthood, to raising her own children and eventually becoming a grandmother and great grandmother.Continue reading “A Good & Faithful Servant”

1909 Media presents…IAMMYHAIR

“The woman was not an afterthought in creation. God made women with such importance and great intentionality that to avoid input, God made the man go into a deep sleep. With this level of thought in order to avoid interruptions and input, imagine how much God has placed in us.” Aanu of 1909 media productionsContinue reading “1909 Media presents…IAMMYHAIR”

My Hair, My Crown

Did you know? The average person has 100,000 – 150,000 strands of hair. On average, we shed around 50-150 strands of hair a day. A new hair begins to grow as soon as it is plucked from its follicle. A single hair has a lifespan of about five years.  A strand of hair is strongerContinue reading “My Hair, My Crown”

An Ode to The One

An Ode is a ceremonial lyrical poem that addresses and often celebrates a person, place, thing or idea. Today’s ode is dedicated to the One. To The Lover of My Soul, The One that is able to bring purpose and direction out of chaos and confusion. He brings clarity in moments of distress and discomfort.Continue reading “An Ode to The One”

Checking In

Hellooooo and welcome to the second half of the year! Yep, even as we say goodbye to July 2022 we can still celebrate God’s goodness and for successfully ushering into the summer months. Hope you everyone is enjoying the summer heat wave or just the hubbub activities surrounding summer wherever in the world you mightContinue reading “Checking In”

Monday Money Nuggets – Episode 4

Our resident finance enthusiast, Wale has been sharing his ‘Monday Money nuggets‘ throughout the month of June. We have reached our grand finale! Our hope is that someone somewhere has learnt one thing from Wale’s experiences and insight. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice but simply someone sharing their experience and perspectives on money matters. Enjoy learningContinue reading “Monday Money Nuggets – Episode 4”