1909 Media presents…IAMMYHAIR

“The woman was not an afterthought in creation. God made women with such importance and great intentionality that to avoid input, God made the man go into a deep sleep. With this level of thought in order to avoid interruptions and input, imagine how much God has placed in us.” Aanu of 1909 media productionsContinue reading “1909 Media presents…IAMMYHAIR”

My Hair, My Crown

Did you know? The average person has 100,000 – 150,000 strands of hair. On average, we shed around 50-150 strands of hair a day. A new hair begins to grow as soon as it is plucked from its follicle. A single hair has a lifespan of about five years.  A strand of hair is strongerContinue reading “My Hair, My Crown”

Deep Dive into Proverbs: Appreciation

We made it till the end of May guys! Glory be to God! The plan was to post every day in the month of May and by God’s grace that was possible. This initiative was also greatly supported and actualized by our awesome guest bloggers, Seyi and Chizoba Adebola (round of applause for them!). TheContinue reading “Deep Dive into Proverbs: Appreciation”