Know Thyself

So I recently read a post on Instagram on taking personality tests (These days,  I feel like I get a lot of inspiration from Instagram) . The writer spoke about the clarity and the sense of acceptance she felt realizing that she wasn’t strange to feel the way she felt at times. I have comeContinue reading “Know Thyself”

Identity (Names) Pt 2

We cannot love ourselves and nor can we accept the love of others as we should, not until we understand the love God has for us. Identity plays such a key role in the understanding of our purpose. I have been following a bible study series started at Church titled,  ‘Who is Jesus?’ and itContinue reading “Identity (Names) Pt 2”


As we are all aware the month of February is the designated month of ‘Love’ or ‘Luuurve’. Anyways, it is the month where we celebrate Valentine’s day in honor of St Valentine  (or Valentinus) who was a Roman priest in the 3 C.E who defied a decree that prevented young soldiers from getting married. StContinue reading “Identity”

‘Attention Please’ & ‘Tagged’

Have you always wondered what it would be like to attend an art exhibit ? Well, for the first time, I attended a free art exhibition held at the Fine Arts Building (FAB) Gallery at The University of Alberta. Tanya Harnett’s Attention Please showcased two main bodies of work including persona grata and Scarred Scared Water.Continue reading “‘Attention Please’ & ‘Tagged’”