Deep Dive into Proverbs

Hey Guys!

To usher in the month of May, I have recruited some reinforcements and the blog will be taken over by the wonderful Seyi & Chizoba Adebola! They will be taking us through the book of Proverbs throughout the month of May!

I’ll allow them to introduce themselves and get right into it!

Hey guys, it is a great privilege to come your way with some insights and truths applicable to our lives from the Book of Proverbs. We are thankful for the opportunity to push out encouraging insightful and exciting articles for our general edification.

The book of Proverbs is a very interesting book that’s beneficial and instructive for living right with men and living in the right way that pleases our God.

A great Evangelist, who is late now, mentioned while he was alive that he read the book of Psalms every morning so that he could understand the ways of God and the book of Proverbs so he could relate wisely with people.

The book of Proverbs is truly rich in wisdom and has great insight particularly for young people. Most of the proverbs that were written came from the wisest king of that time, Solomon, David’s son, and successor to the kingship over the land of Israel. The book is also a compilation of lessons and memorable sayings that were passed down from the wise elders of that time.

The book of proverbs helps us as young people to avoid common pitfalls, traps, and unalterable life mistakes.

This book provides us the path to prosperity, health, joy, and the fear of God.

Mo’s notes;

Huge thanks to Seyi and Chizoba Adebola for taking on this endeavor and supporting the initiative. I hope you, the reader, are deeply blessed and encouraged by this deep dive and that the Word of life is made clear and relatable to you. May the Words of God come alive to you and may we all be impacted for the better from reading and engaging in this study.

Have a fantastic month of May and I’ll see you in June (one of the best months!)


Mo 🙂

Published by MusingswithMo

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more... (Romans 12:2)

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