El Shaddai

“I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.”


God was first revealed to Abraham as El Shaddai in Genesis 17:1 but what was the context?

In reading further in the chapter we see Abraham’s response to this

"At this, Abram fell face down on the ground. Then God said to him," Genesis 17:3

The response here is to fall down in reverence before the holy God. God’s nature as El Shaddai is one of the greatest shows of his sovereignty. Like the father of the Jewish faith, Abraham, our response should always be to fall face down before the holy God. You see in Abraham’s appropriate response to God, God was able to speak to him and converse with Him.


Recently, been learning about what it means to worship God.

Worship: an expression of our devotion and reverence to God. It requires obedience to God.

We worship beyond our feelings, situations, the music playing or our current surroundings. It is a response to the reality hitting us that the God of the universe is invested in our lives. He cares for us and wants the very best for us. He wants us to prosper even as our soul prospers (the greatest form of prosperity by the way!). Knowledge of this God comes through fellowship with his Holy Spirit that reveals his nature to us. His nature being his sovereignty and that He is Almighty!

Think about when you were a child and how we used to look up to our parents or those that appeared bigger than us. We adored them because they seemed so much bigger and more powerful than us. We knew that they would take care of us and provide anything for our needs. In fact, I remember a few years back looking at my mother at marveling at our height difference. As a child she seemed like such a giant to me! Now, here I was towering slightly over my superwoman mother.

Imagine this context with our heavenly Father. Not only does appear stronger and bigger than us, He actually is! And we can never overtake Him as we get older through growth spurts. He is the ALMIGHTY One!

If you feel inspire to stop reading this here and now and just fall face down in worship by singing, dancing, praying, being still or whatever, please feel free to! (But come back to finish the rest, of course!).

What is Required?

The presence of El Shaddai commands our holiness and for us to walk in purity and righteousness. In Genesis 17:1, God clearly instructs Abraham to ‘serve faithfully and live a blameless life.‘ The reason for this is because the sovereignty of a holy God cannot withhold sin and any type of lifestyle. There are standards that have been set and need to be maintained. You don’t just invite any type of person to the presence of the King. No matter how tolerant and loving that King may be, His office and the reputation He upholds, requires for one to act accordingly. We read previously that God is our Father and cares for us intimately and that He sees us totally and completely, YET, we also know that His power is able to transform us and make us Holy like Him. The sweetest thing about this isn’t that God is saying we should go make ourselves Holy and then come to His presence. No, He is inviting us to fellowship with Him so we can be transformed in our nature so that we become more like Him in purity and holiness. Our great helper is the Holy Spirit.

If Father Abraham did not have the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (not too sure on this, please comment if you have alternative thoughts!), and could fall face down in reverence and live a life to please God, what is stopping us in the 21st century?

How do we reverence God as the Almighty One?

The All Sufficient God

We abide under Him and in His presence all the days of our life. We serve a God that is Almighty, therefore this means He is able to provide for ALL our needs.

"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." 
Psalm 91:1 

Abiding under the shadow of the Almighty God means we see Him as our protector, provider and keeper. God is able to turn impossible situations around. As El Shaddai he showed up for Abraham in a situation that seemed so dear to Him and promised Him in

Genesis 17:4 
“This is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of a multitude of nations!" 

Sometimes linked with El Elyonthe most exalted God/ the most High God

"I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me." 
Psalm 57:2

See also: Mighty One, Encompassing God.

God is Sovereign. The Sovereignty of God cannot be downplayed. In all these parts of his nature He remains God. 

Song suggestions


Mo 🙂

Published by MusingswithMo

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more... (Romans 12:2)

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