Just Do It

Happy New Year and Happy New Month in advance!

Lol, I know it’s a little bit late but you know I guess it’s better late than never right? I hope 2019 has gotten off to a great start for everyone. This year I have tried to make intentional decisions and choices to help better myself. I know intentional seems like a strange word to use, however to me it makes perfect sense.

I do not want to give the usual spiel on ‘New Year New Me‘ because honestly I think we are always constantly changing and evolving. A new year just makes the change grandiose and makes us feel special and important. In other to truly be effective in life we must learn how to adapt and make the necessary changes at each point in our lives to be an effective individual and adult.

For me that has meant learning to trust God and just getting things done. According to Hebrews 11:1(NLT)

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.”

One cannot have faith in God if we are living in our comfort zone and therefore not exercising faith. I have learnt that taking risks is vital to keeping our faith muscles stretched. Enough of thinking about something and pondering the pros and cons because that is a great excuse to actually getting stuff done.

Ecclesiastes 5: 3 states

‘Too much activity gives you restless dreams; too many words make you a fool.” 

This means thinking too much aka ‘activity‘ can cause you to be directionless and the vision/dream becomes useless because rather than focusing on one aspect because you’ve been overthinking you start seeing multiple dimensions and different angles that you really should not be worried about at the beginning stages. Also, as much as it is important to seek counsel because it states in Proverbs 15:22 that

Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.”

At the same time I find that sometimes as human beings we are premature in sharing our ideas. Work on building something first if you can before sharing it publicly. Yes, you will definitely need advice from a select group of specific people but as Ecclesiastes 5:3 says don’t share too much.

Instead, as Nike says ‘Just Do It!‘ (P:S Nike please sponsor me. I believe we would work so well together. Our names already match L-o-l). Practice what you preach! I have no idea if anybody from Nike will read this, but if you do, holla at me, please and thank you 🙂

Honestly, enough of living a mediocre life and wondering how life passed you by. As a young adult transitioning into becoming an adult I’ve realized that if I am just passive and always just thinking about the life and type of future I want for myself, I will be terribly disappointed with the end result.

Life is for living. It is about making decisions, sticking to it and having the determination to follow through with a plan. See, how I mentioned a plan. It is not enough to just have an idea. Rather, you must do the necessary background research, think, pray, discuss and then decide the best way to take your ‘calculated’ risk. One does not want to look back and think I wish I had put in more effort into achieving the life I wanted for myself, rather than settling for what I have now.

Best believe God is a faithful God and he will redeem the time yet He also mentions in Proverbs 14:23 that “Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!” For me, my ultimate motivation is in Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.” At the end of it all, we want to be able to say ‘C’est fini‘ (translation:it is finished)

However, as much as we need the brawn and the boldness we also need the brains. Ecclesiastes 10:10 states that

“Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.”

The more popular KJV translation states that

“If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.”

In all thing we must pursue wisdom. No need for aimlessly and blindly doing things that have no alignment towards God’s purpose for our lives. You see one thing I am learning is that if it isn’t purpose fulfilling, it really isn’t worth it. That is how we successfully take calculated risks. By staying in alignment with God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Daniel 11:32b states

“But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him.” (him refers to opponents aka adversaries)

How much of God do we know and are we willing to know this year? If we want to succeed, the wise thing to do is to start with God, continue with God and end with God.

'And we know that God causes everything to work together 
for the good of those who love  God and
are called according to his purpose for them.'
Romans 8:28 (NLT)

Although we have to trust God and trust him to be true and faithful and that he will fulfill his promises to us. We still have to be willing to put the work in and rightly equip ourselves. How much of God’s promises do we know? What we do not know, we cannot use and apply to our lives. I am speaking to myself as well when I say, no more excuses and laziness. Let us not play ourselves in this year 2019. We have already reached the end of January 2019.

In what areas have you been intentional? What calculated risks have you taken?
Mo’Nike – ‘Just Do It’

May God help us all. Feel free to share things you will ‘just do‘ this upcoming year. Remember don’t just share it and think about it but actually do it.



Mo 🙂

Published by MusingswithMo

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more... (Romans 12:2)

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