A Good & Faithful Servant

As the world prepares to finally lay HRH, Queen Elizabeth to rest, we are reminded of her life of service and sacrifice. The documentaries and playback on all major news channels looks at her story from a young girl, to young adulthood, to raising her own children and eventually becoming a grandmother and great grandmother.

Seventy Years

It is not an easy feat to rule on a throne as a human being with our faults and weaknesses. Yet, she did it with such grace. That isn’t to say there wasn’t time when she wasn’t criticized whether rightly so or not,and there were times she perhaps didn’t respond in the way the public she served would have wanted. But then you consider the fact that she had to give her life to a cause and to serving her country. Yes, she was blessed to live a luxurious life and all that. Yet, I cannot imagine how many of us would be able to live and represent our countries and ourselves in such light.

As citizens of heaven and as sons and daughters of the Most High, do you realize that we are called to an even higher calling than her?

What will be said of us when we are no longer on earth? When our stories are being discussed by others what narrative will be said about us?

Good & Faithful Servant

The only one worthy of this statement thus far has been Jesus Christ. We strive to hear God say this about us at the end of our time on earth. But are we aware of the fact that God has already sent us a standard, somebody who He has already said similar words too. He said “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” [Matthew 3:17] This reflects the statement Jesus himself uses in a parable in the New Testament to explain faithfulness,

  "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!" 
[Matthew 25:21] 

Who doesn’t want to be appreciated and celebrated? Yet, we know that God alone is good. As his children we have his goodness at work in us and through us when we allow the Holy Spirit have its way in our lives. We see the nature of faithfulness as portion of the fruit of the Spirit and it is a result of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Many are indeed called and many people claim to be Christians but how many of us actually walk the walk and talk the talk. Trust me I am speaking to myself even as I write this out. Just as a lot of people will have opinions about the rule of Queen Elizabeth, yet a lot of people cannot walk a mile in her shoes or be able to take the pressure of what she had to endure while on the throne. Yet, we serve a God with an eternal throne. His rule and reign is everlasting. It knows no end and does not die. So we fellowship with the Holy Spirit to equip us to stay faithful in serving our God and His Kingdom.

He is a Sovereign God

We have no choice but to re-examine ourselves and our walk. Are we truly walking in the light of God’s word? Are we truly consecrating every part of our lives to Him? No man knows the day or the time. We all thought Queen Elizabeth would rule forever, even though we know that is impossible, yet we can celebrate a life well lived and a true life of service to her people. Will the same be said about us?

We serve a sovereign God. His reign is everlasting and eternal. We are indebted to Him. We are to live a life of service consecrated to worshipping Him and carrying out his good works on Earth. When we start and have the mindset and heart posture of sacrifice and obedience to the work of God, we are able to easily yield to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

We are working for an everlasting kingdom. For our God and His Kingdom.

So while everyone else mourns the legacy of this earthly queen, let us think and consider what our role will be in the eternal Kingdom and how we can be more faithful in our devotion to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

God help us all,



Mo 🙂

Published by MusingswithMo

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more... (Romans 12:2)

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